How to Reimagine Your Business loyb podcast Apr 12, 2022

Most of us went into business for freedom of some sort.  We wanted the freedom to spend our time doing work we love with people we love to work with.  We want to make a big impact, and...

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Determining When to Listen to the Feedback You Receive in Your Business growth mindset Apr 07, 2022

How do you know whose opinions to listen to and whose to ignore? One of my favorite quotes from Steve Jobs is:

"Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most...

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Do You Need A Copyright or Trademark? create a planner Apr 06, 2022

Have you been wondering if you should copyright or trademark your planner so you can protect it?

I wondered the same thing when I created my planner.  After talking to my lawyer, I decided...

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Transitioning Problems into Possibilities for Accelerated Business Results loyb podcast Apr 05, 2022

Being able to identify and quickly solve problems is an incredibly valuable skill, especially as an entrepreneur. It is valuable for your own business and it is typically highly valuable for your...

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How Can A Planner Help Scale Your Business? create a planner Mar 29, 2022

Have you ever wondered how adding a planner can help you scale your business?

A lot of people think about sales and results in terms of the number of PWJs they sell, but there is so much...

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How to Strategically Plan for a Highly Successful Q2 loyb podcast strategic planning Mar 22, 2022


It is hard to believe, but it's already almost Q2 and we are a quarter of the way through this year.

As you look back on Q1, are you feeling happy with your results and excited for the...

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Do You Know Your Design Style? create a planner Mar 15, 2022

Have you decided on a design style yet for your PWJ?

There are numerous style options to choose from.  The top 3 most popular we covered in an earlier post how to get your planner to lay...

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Hustle-Free Scaling Secrets loyb podcast sustainable scaling Mar 15, 2022

People always ask me, “what is the secret to scaling your business?” The truth is, there is no secret.

But while there may not be a secret, there are proven ways to simplify, systematize...

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Cost Of Goods Sold create a planner Mar 08, 2022

Selling physical products is very different from selling digital products. They can be highly profitable and successful but there are some important things that can often get overlooked if you...

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How to Fall Back in Love with Your Business loyb podcast Mar 01, 2022

Most of us start our businesses very passion-fueled, running on a deep love for what we do and a desire to make a big impact, while working for ourselves and having control over our own schedule...

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How many to order your first time? create a planner Feb 23, 2022

So you have your planner all designed, you have your paper, your binding and you have picked your printer. Congratulations!

Now what?

How many should you order for your very 1st printed...

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How to Choose the Right Business Mastermind loyb podcast Feb 22, 2022

If you believe the quote that you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with, are you currently surrounding yourself with the right people to help you get to the next level? ...

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