Areas of Waste that Impact Scalability - Part 2 lean out loyb podcast top 10 wastes Oct 09, 2023

This is the second part of a two-part series on the areas of waste commonly found in coaching, consulting, and service-based businesses.

In the previous post, we included an overview of all ten...

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Areas of Waste that Impact Scalability - Part 1 lean out loyb podcast top 10 wastes Oct 03, 2023

Let’s talk about waste.

Waste is anything or any process within your business that stands between you and the business of your dreams. It is anything that takes up needless time, money,...

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How to Avoid Fragmentation in Your Business lean out top 10 wastes Aug 02, 2022

One of the biggest areas of waste I see in coaching, consulting, and service based businesses is fragmentation or what I call the “unoptimized whole”. This is when there is no...

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How to Avoid the New and Different Trap That Overcomplicates Scaling lean out top 10 wastes Jul 18, 2022

Do you know what the hardest, most complex, expensive, and time-consuming way to scale a business is? It’s constantly doing more and focusing on implementing new and different things in your...

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How to Avoid Having Underutilized Resources in Your Business lean out top 10 wastes Jul 06, 2022

Businesses often underutilize the resources that they have, including their team – their human resources, their financial resources, their time, and the tools, technology, and infrastructure...

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How to Eliminate Unneeded Work In Your Business lean out top 10 wastes Jun 22, 2022

The only thing worse than investing precious time, money, and energy into work that never gets completed or implemented is doing things that don’t need to be done at all. This includes rework...

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How to Reduce the Amount of Incomplete Work In Your Business lean out top 10 wastes Jun 17, 2022

Incomplete work is spending time and energy on things that never get completed or implemented and never produce value. This is where it can feel like you and your team are working really hard but...

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How to Identify Unnecessary Complexity in Your Business lean out top 10 wastes Jun 11, 2022

Unnecessary complexity is when things are more complicated than they need to be which causes you to work harder instead of smarter. 

It is one of the #1 causes of businesses wasting time and...

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Uncover Hidden Time and Profit in Your Business lean out loyb podcast top 10 wastes Jun 07, 2022

The largest companies in the world spend millions of dollars every year in an effort to eliminate waste and improve efficiencies; they do this because the cost of not doing it, is greater.


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