The Truth About Working Smarter Not Harder

The Truth About Working Smarter Not Harder

loyb podcast work smarter

Are you feeling overwhelmed by your workload? Are you searching for ways to work efficiently without burning out? You're not alone. Many professionals and entrepreneurs struggle with finding balance in today's fast-paced world. But it's time to take a step back and learn how to work smarter, not harder.

Tune into this episode to discover the truth about working smarter - not harder, and learn actionable techniques to deliver better value to your clients while freeing up time for a rich and fulfilling life. Get ready to revolutionize your work and simplify your life.


In this episode, you'll discover:

  • Techniques for leveraging your time
  • Working smarter in a more simple and streamlined way
  • Optimization backlog with effort matrixes


Listen to Episode 110 of the Lean Out Your Business Podcast to learn more.

Ready to simplify and streamline how you scale your business?

  • We are now accepting Visionary CEOs and their right-hand Ops Leads into our signature Simplify to Scale mentorship program. Learn more and join us at
  • Join us for our transformational in-person business retreats and masterminds each Spring and Fall at
  • Have questions? Want to explore partnering together to scale your business? Connect with me on my personal Instagram @cristagrasso or LinkedIn and let’s start a conversation.

by Crista Grasso

Crista Grasso is the go-to strategic planning expert for leading global businesses and online entrepreneurs when they want to scale.  Known as the "Business Optimizer", Crista has the ability to quickly cut through noise and focus on optimizing the core things that will make the biggest impact to scale a business simply and sustainably. She specializes in helping businesses gain clarity on the most important things that will drive maximum value for their clients and maximum profits for their business.  She is the creator of the Lean Out Method, 90 Day Lean Out Planner, and host of the Lean Out Your Business Podcast


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