How to Set and Achieve Goals in Your Business strategic planning Feb 20, 2020

Goals are so critical for success in your business.

So how do you set goals that result in successful outcomes? AND that you can actually achieve?  The first step is to set your goals...

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How To Let Go of What No Longer Serves You lean out Jan 30, 2020

Growth = letting go of what no longer serves you.

This sounds obvious, right? The challenge is in knowing what serves us so we know what to let go of, and that can be... well, not-so-obvious.


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Days to Celebrate in Q1 2020 business resources Dec 15, 2019

While you are creating your content calendar for 2020, whether using the one inside the Lean Out Planner or your own, here are some fun events, days to celebrate, and national holidays to inspire...

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Lean Out Tip: Stop Starting and Start Finishing lean out Nov 17, 2019

When you are looking to level up your business, there are many lean strategies that can help you.  One of my favorites is the concept of "stop starting, and start finishing".

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5S Your Workspace - How to Implement Lean Practices In Your Business business resources lean out Jan 15, 2019

Time = money.  And I guarantee there is hidden time and money within your current business in the form of waste.

Also known as muda, waste is the killer of productivity and...

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How to Choose Your Word of the Year + Make It Impactful for Your Business business resources Dec 31, 2018

Not a big fan of new year's resolutions?  Same here!  So ditch the resolutions and instead choose a word for the year.  A word, or phrase, that acts as a guide for the actions...

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How to Optimize Your Fashion Production and Launch Calendar business resources Dec 14, 2018

A big piece of planning out a new year is deciding how you will plan the launches of your new collections.  Even if you have decided to ditch the traditional fashion calendar and release your...

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The Best Sites for Free Images - Especially for Fashion Brands business resources Nov 13, 2018

Looking for free images for your blog or website?  We are all about optimizing everything you do so we've reviewed over 50 royalty free image sites to round up the top 10 sites with free...

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