6 Questions to Ask to Plan Your Next 90 Days business resources strategic planning Jul 01, 2020

As you get ready for the new quarter, there are 6 important questions you should be asking yourself as you reflect back on the last 90 days:

  1. What were your best performing products /...
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How to Avoid Decision Fatigue in Your Business business resources Jun 23, 2020

Have you ever found yourself postponing decision making over and over? 

You may be experiencing decision fatigue, something many business owners experience throughout their business journey....

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The Wellness Entrepreneur's Guide To Creating Systems For Your Business business resources Jun 20, 2020

I'm guessing you started your business to make an impact in people's lives.  At the time you probably weren't thinking about creating systems, right?  Maybe you still aren't thinking...

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Days to Celebrate in Q3 2020 business resources Jun 17, 2020

Summer is almost here, and with the change in seasons comes a new batch of days to celebrate for Q3.

While you are creating your content calendar for Q3, whether using the one inside the Lean Out...

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Making Lasting Change in Your Business (and the World) business resources Jun 11, 2020

There has been a consistent concern being raised in the conversations I have been having with my coaching clients and colleagues this week.  Now that the week long movement to...

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How to Build Super Fans for Your Business business resources growth mindset May 06, 2020

What are you obsessed about?  Really. Take a moment to think about it. 

  • Do you have a favorite restaurant that you take everyone who visits you to?
  • A favorite film series you'd be...
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How to Conduct a Month End Review business resources strategic planning Apr 28, 2020

The end of one month and beginning of another is a great time to do a month end review and to set your goals and create your plans for the new month. 

We've made this super easy to do by...

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Roundup of the Top Financial Resources Available to Business Owners Impacted By COVID-19 business resources Mar 28, 2020

Has your business been directly or indirectly impacted by the Coronavirus?  I have been seeing some really amazing offers and programs to support those businesses impacted by COVID-19 - below...

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What To Do Instead of Discounting Your Products and Services business resources Mar 19, 2020

There is some really great advice out there right now about how to support your local small businesses and how to grow and thrive during this challenging and confusing time. But there is also a lot...

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Days to Celebrate in Q2 2020 business resources Mar 10, 2020

Spring is in the air, and with the change in seasons comes a new batch of days to celebrate for Q2. 

While you are creating your content calendar for Q2, whether using the one inside the Lean...

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Days to Celebrate in Q1 2020 business resources Dec 15, 2019

While you are creating your content calendar for 2020, whether using the one inside the Lean Out Planner or your own, here are some fun events, days to celebrate, and national holidays to inspire...

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5S Your Workspace - How to Implement Lean Practices In Your Business business resources lean out Jan 15, 2019

Time = money.  And I guarantee there is hidden time and money within your current business in the form of waste.

Also known as muda, waste is the killer of productivity and...

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