Avoid This Mistake When Launching Your Planner create a planner Feb 24, 2021

One of the decisions you will need to make when deciding to create a planner is how and when to launch it.

There is a very big misperception that the best time to launch and sell planners is around...

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A Critical First Step for Creating and Selling a Planner create a planner Feb 17, 2021

Are you thinking about creating and selling a planner?

You may have already read about my planner journey and everything that went into creating the Lean Out Planner in just 90 days. It was a...

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Creating a Planner DIY: Dated vs Undated create a planner Jan 21, 2021

There’s a lot to consider when creating your own planner. One question that comes up quite often when people are thinking of creating a planner is:

Should I create a dated or undated...

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My Journey to Creating a 90-Day Planner - Part Two create a planner Sep 16, 2020

In part one of my journey to creating a 90-day planner, I shared that I created my planner in just 90 days once I committed to it and dove in! It was a wild ride, with lots of ups and downs...

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My Journey to Creating a 90-Day Planner - Part One create a planner Aug 24, 2020

Have you ever thought about creating a physical planner, workbook or journal for your business, but the idea seemed way too complicated and time-consuming to actually follow through with?...

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