Are Your Team Members Amplifiers or Detractors?

lean dream team loyb podcast Nov 06, 2023

As the year draws to a close, many of us find ourselves evaluating our current teams and making decisions about future hires.
Who will we bring on board?
Who will have the potential to excel and drive our business forward?

Identifying amplifiers and detractors is a crucial aspect of making these decisions.

Let's begin by acknowledging a fundamental truth – there's no such thing as neutrality when it comes to your team members. Every person on your team falls into one of two categories: they either amplify your business, or they detract from it. The challenge many business owners face is recognizing those who may be quietly eroding their business, team culture, or even their personal growth, often without realizing it until issues come to a head. 

This article dives deep into the realm of team dynamics. Specifically, we're tackling a critical question: Are your team members amplifiers or detractors?

Spotting Amplifiers

Amplifiers are the individuals who have the magical ability to elevate you, your team, and your entire business. Their presence alone propels the company towards success. Think of it this way: when you work with an amplifier, you can't help but become the best version of yourself. They stimulate excellence in your team and have a positive influence on clients, consistently garnering praise and appreciation.

Amplifiers are not mere "yes people." Sometimes, the most valuable team members are those who challenge your ideas and keep you focused on what truly matters. In a way, they become your "challenge partners," pushing you to meet commitments, stay focused, and make strategic decisions that align with your goals. 

Understanding Detractors

It's essential to clarify that detractors are not inherently bad people or intentionally trying to sabotage your team or business. More often than not, they are capable individuals who, for various reasons, don't align with your team's culture, dynamics, or growth trajectory. Detractors inadvertently hinder progress and can negatively influence the team's morale and productivity.

Think of detractors as the "glass-half-empty" folks. They don't actively sabotage, but their presence can lead to a pessimistic outlook that seeps into the team's attitude and overall performance. It's a subtle, often unintentional, hindrance that can gradually erode the team's cohesion and the company's ability to thrive.

Spotting the Difference

How do you identify amplifiers and detractors within your team?
Start by evaluating your interactions with team members. Do you genuinely look forward to meetings with certain team members because you know they uplift and energize you? These are likely your amplifiers.
On the other hand, if meetings leave you frustrated, drained, or doubting yourself, you may be dealing with detractors.

Moreover, it's not only about the meetings themselves but the lasting impact of team members' contributions. Amplifiers inspire positivity, efficiency, and innovation, leaving clients and colleagues with a sense of excitement. Detractors, though potentially skilled, tend to have the opposite effect. If you notice that a particular team member leaves you or your clients with negative feelings, it's time to consider their role critically.

Recognizing amplifiers and detractors is pivotal for making strategic hiring decisions as you plan for the year ahead. Remember, no one consciously hires detractors; it's about being mindful and asking the right questions during the interview process to ensure you're building a high-performing, cohesive team that propels your business towards its goals.

Assessing Potential Hires:

Here are some key considerations when evaluating potential hires:

  1. Capability Alignment: Does the candidate's skill and experience align with the role's requirements? Can they handle the job or are they open to training and mentorship?

  2. Cultural Fit: Will they enhance your team dynamic and company culture, or will their presence disrupt it? Are their vision and values in sync with yours?

  3. Zone of Genius: Does the role tap into their strengths and passions? Hiring someone desperate for any job might lead to a short-term solution that doesn't benefit your business in the long run.

  4. Commitment: Are they genuinely excited to become an integral part of your business, or are they just looking for a stopgap? A strong commitment can be a better indicator of future success than just skills and experience.

Remember, your team is the lifeblood of your business. It's essential to create an environment where amplifiers thrive and maximize their impact. This focus on team dynamics and wise hiring decisions is the foundation for building a self-organizing, high-performing team that allows you to scale your business while simplifying operations.


by Crista Grasso

Crista Grasso is the go-to strategic planning expert for leading global businesses and online entrepreneurs when they want to scale.  Known as the "Business Optimizer", Crista has the ability to quickly cut through noise and focus on optimizing the core things that will make the biggest impact to scale a business simply and sustainably. She specializes in helping businesses gain clarity on the most important things that will drive maximum value for their clients and maximum profits for their business.  She is the creator of the Lean Out Method, 90 Day Lean Out Planner, and host of the Lean Out Your Business Podcast


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