Ready to get out of the day-to-day operations of your business?


Then, you want:

Systems that simplify.
Strategies that scale.
Results that sustain.


It's time to stop being stuck putting out fires, working all the damn time, and feeling exhausted from having way too much dependent on YOU!

If things feel overly complex, this may be why...

What keeps businesses from scaling in a sustainable way are business operations that lack strategy and simplicity.

You shouldn't have to:

❌ Hire a huge team with multiple levels of management (and way too much of your oversight)

❌ Spend the next 6 months creating detailed SOPs that no one will ever use (costing you time and money instead of saving it) 

❌ Base your projected results on hope and hustle (with a side of disappointment when you miss your goals despite working so hard)

We blend strategy with operations in a way that delivers sustainable and scalable RESULTS without unnecessary complexity. We help you to:

✔️ Build out a high performing lean dream team that gets you out of the day-to-day operations

✔️ Strategically implement lean business systems that enable you to scale sustainably

✔️ Implement a lean strategic planning framework that connects vision with execution so you can confidently & consistently achieve your goals and $ targets

And we help you create the scaling ecosystem that enables you to live a Rich Fulfilled Life™ in and out of your business...

Because what's the point of success if you can't actually enjoy it?!?

Simple and sustainable scaling is our specialty and what we partner with you and your team to implement inside:

Ops Academy Is a Robust Operations Accelerator that Blends Self-Paced Implementation with Advisory and Support

You will learn how to implement the strategy, planning, systems, and team that will enable you to accelerate making your big bold vision and goals a reality and fully step into your rich fulfilled life!

There are 4 primary components

Create a blueprint for your rich fulfilled life and reimagine your next level vision and values
Connect your vision down to day to day implementation and consistently achieve your goals without overworking
Implement the systems and structure that enable you to scale sustainably and efficiently
Develop a high performing team you can trust to deliver results and get you out of the day-to-day

Congratulations on getting your business this far! Unfortunately with every new level we step into, we face a new set of challenges we need to break through to keep upleveling.

I am curious... w
hich of these are the biggest challenge for you right now?

  • You feel trapped with too much dependent on you

  • Your revenue is up but unfortunately so are your expenses

  • There is so much complexity, it's hard to keep up with all the moving parts

  • You've hit a plateau and can't break through to the next level of impact and profit (no matter how many strategies you implement or how much mindset work you do) 

  • You are a high achiever and not afraid of doing the work, but you are working way too much and want your life back

  • You know your profit margins could be higher but you aren't sure how or what to cut

  • You question if your team is really helping you drive more revenue or simply adding to your expenses

  • You aren't confident you're working on the most important things or that your team can get things done efficiently and effectively without you

  • Deep down you're exhausted from constantly doing MORE and not seeing the results you want fast enough (and it's completely draining you)

Well, take a deep breath and imagine this...

What if you could:

  • Increase your profitability and impact WITHOUT having to trade your personal life and freedom for your next level of business success

  • Spend your time doing work you love, focused on the things that fuel you instead of drain you

  • Take a 4 week vacation (a real one! without constant messages from your clients and team or panic that things will fall apart without you)

  • Build a team of amazing and devoted rock stars fully committed to your success, allowing you to step into true visionary leadership
  • Build up assets that increase the value of your business and give you options for the future (whether you ever want to sell your business or not)

S2S OPS ACADEMY will help you to reclaim your time, increase your impact and profits, and simplify your business as you scale to multiple-7 figures and beyond so you finally get to enjoy the success you worked so hard to achieve.


"Fast forward less than 6 months and I'm bringing in 17 times more revenue than before, onboarding new clients every month, and also hired to help me continue to scale even more."

A Not-So-Fun Fact

Did you know that most coaching, consulting, and service-based businesses waste hundreds of hours a month and leave massive amounts of time and profit on the table?


Here's the reality...

To lead a sustainably successful business you need to put just as much focus on being operationally efficient as you do on marketing and sales activities.

It's time to be able to say:

"I run a lean eff-ing business."

Eff-ing = efficient, of course ;)

Here's What You Can Expect to Experience with S2S Ops Academy

More Time

  • Shift your focus to CEO-level activities that move the business forward faster

  • Free up 10-20 hours per week in your schedule

  • Free up hours of wasted time per person on your team so you can save money or reallocate those hours to higher priority or profit producing activities

More Profit

  • Be able to keep more of the revenue you generate and significantly increase your profits through increased efficiencies and opportunities

  • Increase the value of your company by developing the assets that remove you from the day-to-day and give you options for partnerships & exits that aren't possible when everything is dependent on you

Accelerated Results

  • 10x your team's productivity and focus

  • Accelerate achieving your goals and revenue targets

  • Achieve in 90 days what it takes most companies a year to accomplish

  • Optimize what's working best for a blend of quick wins and long-term sustainable success
"I own a design business and we were stuck. We knew that there was a lot of growth ahead of us but we were having trouble getting there. One of the things I liked the most about Crista’s program is that in order to scale I knew I needed something, but I didn’t know what it was. I knew I needed to know how to scale, and some of that were things that she knew about that I had no clue about.

If you want to save time, grow your team, build systems that work, and continue to work at a bigger level, that’s what you are going to get from her program and I can not recommend it enough. Crista’s program is phenomenal and amazing for that. It has already saved us more than 10 hours a week, which is huge. That’s a day's worth of work so that I can focus on the things that I need to as the CEO of my company."

There Are 3 Core Components to S2S Ops Academy:

Expert Modules Focused On Simplifying and Scaling Your Business 

Each module fits together to create the ecosystem for sustainable scaling that gives you increased time freedom and results, and higher profit and productivity.

Each of these sessions are packed with so much actionable value that they could be stand-alone programs (and some are!).  There is nothing cookie cutter about this content - it is all developed with intention for a coaching, consulting and service-based business to be able to run an operationally efficient and scalable business.

It's everything you need for your foundation for simple and sustainable scaling, and nothing you don't... so you can stay laser focused on what matters most and ditch all the noise and distractions.

We focus on 3 core areas - building out and upleveling your lean dream team, lean strategic planning, and strategic systems for scale. See below for the details of what we cover in each module.

12 expert modules | $12,000 value

Robust Implementation Toolkits

We don't just provide training on what you need to do, we show you how to do so and give you a massive jumpstart with 12 implementation toolkits with examples, implementation-focused training modules, checklists, worksheets, and adaptable tools, templates, SOPs, and more to simplify and accelerate implementation of each strategy.

Wondering what's included in the toolkits?  Here is an example! Our Lean Dream Team toolkit includes job descriptions, onboarding and offboarding checklists, performance improvement plans, 30-60-90 day reviews, hiring plans, offer letters, application forms, interview questions, and proprietary approaches to hiring and developing a high-performing team that the most successful businesses in the world have hired us to implement for them.  

This will cut months or even years off of your scaling timeline plus increase the value of your business.

12 toolkits | $12,000 value

Private 1:1 Advisory 

Unlike most group programs, we include monthly private advisory calls with a seasoned C-Suite level business advisor to support you with implementation and situational support. There's no need to go it alone or get stuck along the way when you have the Lean Out Method team to support you.

You will get 3 private 1-hour calls with Annie P. Ruggles, Crista's trusted right hand woman in Lean Out Method. 

Annie is a business growth expert who has guided hundreds of businesses towards high-converting marketing strategies and non-sleazy sales techniques that feel in alignment for their brand and lead to deeper connections, lasting impressions, and more lucrative results. 

3 calls over 90 days | $3,000 value

Here is what you can expect to implement or uplevel in your business when you join S2S Ops Academy:

Blueprint for Your Rich Fulfilled Business and Life

Clear and Compelling Next Level Vision and Values

Lean Strategic Planning Practices and System

Strategic Systems for Scale

Simple Systems & SOPs for Your Most Critical Work

A High-Value Company Playbook

Business KPIs, Success Measures, and Dashboards

Strategic Hiring Plan for Your Lean Dream Team

Onboarding Plans for Employees & Contractors

Job Descriptions & Roles and Responsibilities

High Performing Team Practices

Advanced Productivity Practices


“Crista and her team provide a learning environment that truly sets you up to succeed. Having calls to expand on a specific topic, with resources and templates provided for each, lead to systematic, real-time progress within our business.

The hiring section saved us countless hours of work and re-work.

I can't recommend this program enough!  Thank you!”

Plus These Incredible Bonuses

Access for Your Team

We get that systems and operations may not be what get you out of bed in the morning, but they are critical when you want to simplify and scale your business and have a self-run company that's no longer dependent on YOU. 

So we give your right-hand ops-focused person in your business access to the entire program so they can implement everything into your business and adapt each system and strategy to your needs

$2,000 value

Access to Operation Reclamation

Eliminate Waste, Reclaim Hidden Time and Money in Your Business, and Lay the Foundation for Sustainable Scaling 

Most businesses have a minimum of 10 hours a week per person and 10% of additional profit just sitting in their business under layers of complexity and waste.

We have a complete system to help you identify and eradicate waste across the 10 most common areas found in coaching, consulting, and service-based businesses.

Included is a digital self-assessment and a 4-part workshop series with both quick win solutions and long-term sustainable solutions to reduce waste and uncover hidden time and profit margin. 

This is something we recommend you do on repeat in your business, at least once per year, to consistently maximize your time and profit and run a lean eff-ing business.

By following the recommendations in this bonus program, you should make back far more than your investment in S2S Ops Academy.

$1,000 value

"As an entrepreneur and screenwriter, I’ve been doing this work for over a decade and it’s been so amazing to learn how to optimize my business and lean it out. I had absolutely no idea how complicated I made my business, how I wasn’t using certain resources effectively, how much time I was spending on activities and things that really weren’t lending themselves well to my bottom line.

I know that I will be able to spend less time IN my business and more time ON my business, and even more important than that, I’ll be able to focus on activities that feel more pleasurable to me and really allow me to operate in my zone of genius. "

For Coaches, Consultants, Online Experts, and Service-Based Business Owners Who Want to Uplevel Their Operations to Set the Foundation for Sustainable Scaling and Get Out Of the Day to Day of Their Business


$5000 $3500

or $1000 / mo x 4 

A Blend of Self-Paced Implementation With Private 1-on-1 Mentorship and Advisory

  • 12 expert modules focused on the systems and strategies to simplify and scale your business
  • 12 implementation toolkits with the training, templates, adaptable SOPs, and systems your business needs to lay the foundation for sustainable scaling
  • BONUS: Access for your right-hand Ops-focused person from your team
  • BONUS: Access to the waste eradication system, Operation Reclamation
  • Access to 3 Private 1:1 Advisory Sessions with Annie P. Ruggles

Prefer to have us implement everything FOR YOU?

Explore our done-for-you implementation services.

Prefer to implement it yourself without private advisory?

Get instant access to our self-implement content and toolkits.

Hi, I'm Crista Grasso.

I have spent the past 2 decades helping businesses scale in simple and sustainable ways and adopt lean and agile ways of working - from the largest Fortune 50 companies in the world, to coaches, consultants, and online experts like you.

Known as the "Business Optimizer", I have the ability to quickly cut through the noise and focus on optimizing the core things that will make the biggest impact to grow and scale a business.

A unique blend of 50% right-brain and 50% left-brain which allows me to see simple solutions and structures in creative ways that align with what a Visionary CEO of a small business needs.

I don't believe you need rigid or complex solutions to achieve results. You want to scale in simple, adaptable, and sustainable ways, which is both my superpower and my passion.

When you want to scale in a simple and sustainable way, it takes the right combination of strategy, planning, systems, team, and insight.


This is what we focus on via expert modules and implementation toolkits!



*This should be done by the Founder / CEO

Defining Your Rich Fulfilled Life Blueprint

Get started right away with defining what a rich fulfilled life means to you because there is no reason to settle for less than everything you want your business and life to be. Everything you do operationally should be alignment with your rich fulfilled life and next level vision.


*This should be done by the Founder / CEO

Reimagining Your Next Level Vision & Values 

With the right vision in place, scaling your business becomes significantly simpler, but not just any vision, you need a next level vision.  It provides clarity on what to say yes to and what to say no to, from opportunities to ideas.  It provides a north star for your team so they take inspired ownership and come together to make your vision a reality.  It is the linchpin for lasting business success.


This can be done by your team!

Connecting Vision to Execution for Accelerated Results

Gain confidence that your team is working on the most important and highest impact activities that will take you closer to your big bold vision and goals. You'll learn how to implement our proven lean strategic planning system to take your vision and break it down into goals and initiatives that can be achieved in 90 day implementation cycles while keeping things flexible and leveraging techniques to get twice as much done in half the time.


This can be done by your team!

Implementing a PM System for Clarity, Focus & Visibility

We take you behind the scenes and show you the tech behind our full end-to-end project management system and how you can implement or uplevel yours. It systematizes connecting vision to execution and gives you insight into exactly where all the critical initiatives are in your business and who is doing what. It is the backbone of how your lean dream team communicates and collaborates, and how your systems get implemented and maintained.


This can be done by your team!

Multiplying Your Time and Becoming a Productivity Powerhouse

Once you have confidence everyone's working on the right things at the right time and you have the systems in place to support repeat results, we give you tools and techniques that will 10X your team's productivity so they are multiplying their time.  They will get the most important things finished faster instead of just being busy enabling you to accelerate scaling


This can be done by your team!

Defining Your Strategic Systems for Scale

Systems are critical to scaling your business and removing yourself from the day-to-day of the business, but having your team document SOPs isn’t what’s going to give you true time freedom and autonomy in your business.  Implementing what we call strategic systems for scale will.  We’ll show you the most impactful systems you can create to capture how you deliver value, what strategic systems really are (hint: they are not SOPs), and how you can leverage them to reclaim your time and increase your profits


This can be done by your team!

Making Systems Simple and Sexy

Once you have your strategic systems in place, it’s time to build your next level systems and SOPs so your business delivers a repeatable and exceptional experience for your clients and results for the business.  But instead of spending the next 6 months of your life building detailed SOP documents that no one will ever use, we show you the smart and simple way to approach systems with our 100-80-20 framework. We also walk you through tools and templates you can use to get a jumpstart on your systems. 


This can be done by your team!

Building a Company Playbook Your Team Will Actually Use

When done well, a company playbook is one of the most valuable assets you have in your business and something that gets used daily. When done poorly, it collects digital dust and never gets looked at again after someone joins your team.  We show you how to create a playbook your team actually uses and can't live without.  And if you are thinking of a boring and uninspiring pdf document, think again. :)  


Use this module to build out or uplevel the team that can help you implement!

Building & Upleveling Your Lean Dream Team

You need a rockstar team in order to have true time freedom and a sustainable and scalable business model. Whether you are just getting started with hiring, or you have a seasoned team, in this session we’ll share our proprietary Lean Dream Team system that will help you with finding, hiring, onboarding, managing, upleveling, and scaling your team. We'll also share next level hiring and team strategies that we have implemented into some of the most successful businesses in the world that will position you as the company people want to work for.  


This is a combined Founder / CEO and team implementation.

Meaningful Meetings and Communication Cadences

Effective communication including meetings is a key part of moving your business forward, but if they aren't structured right, they can feel like a distraction and giant waste of time.  We share highly effective communication cadences and meeting rhythms that compliment your planning practices.  We also share how to make your meetings value-packed and something you and your team look forward to.  Say hello to increased productivity and collaboration! 


This is a combined Founder / CEO and team implementation.

Stepping into Visionary Leadership and Developing High Performing and Self Led Teams

There is an art and science to building high performing and self led teams who are just as passionate about your business and vision as you are.  It starts with visionary leadership from you and is followed by your team taking absolute accountability and inspired ownership. We'll be sharing the secrets and strategies to build rock star teams that allow you to step away from the day to day with confidence everything will get done and get done well.


This can be done by your team!

Metrics That Matter and Adopting a Kaizen Culture 

Businesses that thrive focus on continuous improvement and make data driven decisions.  We set you up to be able to maintain the systems you created, conduct regular reviews and retrospectives so you can continuously make the small changes that will have a big impact on your rate of success, and implement the KPIs, metrics, and dashboards that matter so you have access to the quantitative and qualitative data you need to make key business decisions quickly


VIP Will Meet Monthly With Annie P. Ruggles for Implementation Advisory Support

Annie is the Fractional CMO at Lean Out Method and a marketing and sales coach who has guided hundreds of businesses towards high-converting marketing strategies and non-sleazy sales techniques that feel in alignment for their brand and lead to deeper connections, lasting impressions and more lucrative results. Her expertise is in non-sleazy sales, marketing strategy and optimization, podcasting for growth, and LinkedIn.


S2S Ops Academy is a great fit for businesses that want to scale and understand that they need to build out their systems and team to support scaling sustainably.

There are 2 types of roles that S2S Ops Academy is a great fit for:

Visionary Founders & CEOs

There are select modules that are exclusive to you as the Founder and CEO of your business.

Only you can define what a rich fulfilled life means to you and what the next-level vision is for your business.

Every action you take and every decision you make in your business should be in support of that vision and rich fulfilled life.

Beyond that, your team can and should support you with implementation to bring your big bold vision and goals to reality.

Whether you have a team already or are ready to build your team out, S2S Ops Academy is for you...

If you have a team, we give them access to make it simple for them to support you.

If you don't have a team yet, we encourage you to roll up your sleeves and start to implement yourself as you are building out your team.  Our lean dream team modules will give you everything you need to build your team.

Internal Operations Leaders

Operations leaders go by many titles - Online Business Manager, Director of Operations , Project Manager, COO, Integrator, Chief of Staff... sometimes even VA or EA.  We call this role your SOL - Strategy and Operations Leader.

Whatever you call the role, it's important that you have someone by your side who is focused on implementing on your vision and ensuring everything is getting done, getting done well, and getting done when needed.

We recommend giving that person access to and sending them through S2S Ops Academy.

Not only will it uplevel their skill and provide them with advanced training...

But it will uplevel your business and reduce the dependency on YOU when they understand how to implement the strategic planning, systems, and high-performing team practices to enable you to scale sustainably.

Contact us to learn more about how we can mentor and certify your right-hand person as your SOL.

S2S Ops Academy will NOT be a good fit if you are still new to business, struggling to find product-market fit for your signature offer, or have no plan to build out your team in the next 3 months.

Frequently Asked Questions

“We were ready to take our business to the next level and what we needed was a way to scale our business in a systematic way.
Crista’s program enabled us to create a vision for a future and build prioritized action plans to achieve that vision.
What set the Lean Out Method apart from any other program was how we could directly apply the tools, techniques, and strategies in a no nonsense manner to focus on the systems that needed to be there for long-term sustained growth.
If you want to grow your business in a sustained systematic way, and not burn yourself out, we highly recommend Crista and Lean Out Method. We grew our revenue over 60% as a direct result.